How to add your personal comments in

We always recommend you to add not less than 10 different neutral comments in your settings if you use "Comment" action. It's reasonally seems that because of last changes in Instagram it's not enough anymore. Of course, we understand that it's not possible to think out and add hundreds of comments manually. But what if you will be able to add 1000+ different neutral comments just with one action?

Now it becomes real. We've implemented support of Spintax format in the comments. So far you can use it in your comments in

What is Spintax? You can read some information in the Wikipedia: Article spinning. But we would like to add some details.

Spintax is a writing format used to "spin" or re-write existing content. Its purpose is to create many unique articles from one, source article. Take a look at the next example: "{Nice|Cool} photo!". Each time when this phrase will be posted as a comment the "{Nice|Cool}" part will be "unspinned" and we will get two different comments: "Nice photo!" and "Cool photo!".  

Really nice and easy, isn't it?

There are no limits on how many Spintax parts can be used in the comment. Moreover, you can use Nested Spintax format:

"{This {photo|image}|Your {shot|picture}} looks {nice|cool|awesome}!" and get 12 absolutely different comments. Some of them:

"This photo looks cool!", "Your picture looks nice!".

The more various phrases you will use in your Spintax comment the more different comments you will get. Just look on the next monstrous example:

"{|||Wow! |Hey! |Looks {nice|cool}! }{{I like|I love|Like|Love} {this|your}|{Very nice|Nice|Cool}} {photo|foto|picture|pic|image|img}{.|!|!!| :)| ;)| :D| <3}"

It will give you 2058 (!) unique variations of comments like these: "Wow! I like this photo :D", "Looks cool! Very nice pic!!", "Cool image!" etc.

Please, feel free to share your ideas and Spintax examples in the comments to this blog post!

P.S. If you're Spintax expert or you have a strong knowledge about it, please write an article with a cheat sheet for us. Best author will be rewarded of 90 days free package.

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